Register Guard Letter: Pave the way to statehood

President Biden’s inauguration featured a field of flags to represent the hundreds of thousands of Americans who couldn’t attend or observe the festivities because of the pandemic. This somber Field of Flags was then illuminated for 46 seconds — for the 46th president — by 56 pillars of light, representing all Americans.

Why 56? Because the United States Census Bureau counts 4,280,889 Americans who don’t live in any of the 50 United States. They are spread across five American territories and the District of Columbia. “Inclusiveness” has become a popular buzzword in political and social circles, yet millions of Americans are not included in the 50 stars on our flag.

Put it this way: Those Americans who were represented in those six “extra” pillars of light are almost exactly equivalent to the entire population of Oregon. They pay taxes. They fight in our military. Are there any good reasons why they should be denied representation in Congress? None that I’ve ever heard.

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