✍️Sign the DC Statehood petition
This petition is sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the District of Columbia.
Contact Senator Schumer
Support for DC statehood is growing, and we have an opportunity to ensure the 712,000 Americans living in Washington, DC achieve full voting rights and representation in Congress. Recent events have made clear the urgency of DC statehood. In June 2020, the Trump Administration -- over the objection of DC Mayor Muriel Bowser -- terrorized the residents of DC with low-flying military helicopters and ordered federal agents to tear-gas peaceful protesters. Then on January 6th, President Trump initially denied Mayor Bowser’s request to deploy DC’s National Guard to stop the assault on the Capitol, resulting in one of the darkest days for American democracy.
Americans living in DC pay taxes, serve in our military, and contribute to their communities. It is time they received the same voting rights and representation afforded to Americans living in all 50 states.
We need to make sure DC statehood is a priority in the U.S. Senate. Please email Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, and ask him to make this a priority of the U.S. Senate.
Draft Email to Senator Schumer
(Please make your personal edits)
Dear Senate Democratic Leader Schumer:
Support for DC statehood is growing, and we have an opportunity to ensure the 712,000 Americans living in Washington, DC achieve full voting rights and representation in Congress. Recent events have made clear the urgency of DC statehood. In June 2020, the Trump Administration -- over the objection of DC Mayor Muriel Bowser -- terrorized local residents with low-flying military helicopters and ordered federal agents to tear-gas peaceful protesters. Then on January 6th, Donald Trump initially denied Mayor Bowser’s request to deploy the National Guard to stop the assault on the Capitol, resulting in one of the darkest days for American democracy.
Americans living in DC pay taxes, serve in our military, and contribute to their communities. It is time they received the same voting rights and representation afforded to Americans living in all 50 states.
Thank you for championing full voting rights and representation for DC residents. Now we need to make sure DC statehood becomes the law of the land. Please make this one of the Senate’s top priorities.
Draft tweets📝
Tweet 1:
@SenSchumer Over 712,000 Washington, DC residents pay taxes, serve in our military, and raise their families, they are denied:
❌full funding to fight #COVID19
❌full voting rights
❌2 Senators and a Governor
The time for #DCStatehood is NOW!
Tweet 2:
Denying DC residents full voting rights and representation is a racial justice issue. Thank you, @SenSchumer for standing with the 712,000 Americans who are denied full #votingrights and representation. Now, please make #DCStatehood a priority!
Tweet 3:
#DCStatehood Facts:
➡️DC has a population greater than Vermont & Wyoming
➡️ 86% of DC residents voted in favor of Statehood
➡️D.C. residents pay more in federal taxes than 22 states
@SenSchumer: Pass #DCStatehood in the 117th Congress!