Concord Monitor Letter: Give D.C statehood

I’ve been pondering the abundance of proposed bills currently in committees in the state of N.H. with which I don’t agree, and I have been giving my input to those committees in hopes of swaying members’ opinions. But as frustrated as I am with our state government, the position of citizens of Washington, D.C. is much worse.

Washington DC has a population larger than either Vermont and Wyoming. They pay federal income taxes like citizens of all the states yet cannot vote for national representatives. This is a true example of “Taxation without Representation.” There is a bill being proposed in the U.S. Senate to allow the District of Columbia to attain statehood. Sen. Maggie Hassan has signed on to this legislation. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen was a previous co-sponsor and should do so again. It is time for all American citizens to have the rights of citizenship.

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