
It’s simple, as the election results now stand Mitch McConnell could be the next Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate which would make the D.C. statehood bill dead on arrival when the House once again passes it. 

We can change that!

We each have the power to take control of our democracy and Georgia is where it will happen. Through our collective efforts & strategic donations we can help elect Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff as the next U.S. Senators from the state of Georgia. If they win their races we will have Majority Leader Schumer not McConnell. How’s that sound?

Here’s what we need to do to make this a reality:

First, please DONATE using the unique links below which goes right to each campaign and shows that we support them because they support D.C. statehood. DONATE NOW!!!

Second, please either VOLUNTEER to help each campaign through their websites (Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff) or volunteer with groups such as New Georgia ProjectFair Fight, or Black Voters Matter. Let us follow the lead of these groups, support them, volunteer for them, and help them lead our democracy to a better place on January 5, 2021!

The late Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) who was a Civil Rights Icon, American Hero, and D.C. statehood supporter used to implore people to “never give up, never give in, never give out. Keep the faith, and keep your eyes on the prize. Together, we can redeem the soul of America.” 

Between now and January 5, 2021, we have our marching orders so let’s get to it!