Neighbors United for DC Statehood

A Grassroots movement for DC Statehood

Neighbors United for Statehood is a group of District citizens who believe that through grassroots community organizing and strategic congressional outreach we can be the foundation and driving force behind the DC Statehood movement. Our strategy is to work neighborhood by neighborhood educating and organizing small groups at a time to build a sustainable movement for statehood. These groups work to recruit their friends and neighbors while also targeting members of Congress for sustained outreach and lobbying focused on statehood.

In addition, to hosting statehood talks in living rooms or to civic groups, we are currently doing outreach to local businesses to make sure they are partners in promoting the statehood cause. Group members also partner with the DC League of Women Voters to travel around the country to give talks on D.C. statehood to groups in the 50 states.

Our core belief is that only when average District citizens take ownership of this cause will it finally become a reality.

To learn more please email us at:



action item

Take a quick, high impact action to help 712,000+ disenfranchised District citizens gain representation



Learn how we can make Statehood become a reality, and why it’s so important.